Grass fed beef production allow the cattle to roam free on pastureland during their entire lives, grazing on grasses and plants. This type of diet produces meat that is high in Omega 3s, which can have profound effects on your health! Grass fed beef has been shown to reduce LDL or “bad cholesterol” levels and increase HDL or “good cholesterol” levels. Grass fed beef also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which may help you lose weight and body fat as well as reduce your risk for cancer. Grass fed beef also contains higher amounts of vitamin E, beta carotene, calcium and other nutrients than conventionally raised cows.
This article will explain what Grass fed beef is, and outline some of the heart-heath benefits for readers.
Is grass fed beef really different?
There are several health advantages of grass fed beef that you might be interested in. Grass fed cattle live on pasture and eat grasses and plants, which leads to meat that is high in Omega 3s, which can have a significant influence on your health! Grass fed beef contains up to five times as much omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to lower cholesterol levels.
First, Grass fed beef leads to improved cardiovascular health. Because grass fed cattle are naturally higher in the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids that keep our bodies functioning properly, some research has shown they contain up to five times more omega-3s than conventionally raised cattle. Palmitic acid (a 16:0 saturated fatty acid) is lower in Grass fed beef, with levels of myristic and palmitoleic acids roughly half those in conventional beef. Grass fed beef also has up to four times the heart protecting omega 3s compared to traditional beef. People who follow a Grass fed diet typically have higher blood concentrations of DHA and EPA (the really good Omega 3s). Grass fed beef has been shown to protect against cardiovascular disease – giving this leaner meat a place on your plate will likely help you live longer!
What are the disadvantages of grass fed beef cattle?
Grass fed beef is typically leaner than conventionally raised grain fed cows contains less fat, but Grass fed beef’s lower Omega 6 content may lead to an unbalanced inflammatory response in the body. Grass fed beef also has a high concentration of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which boosts metabolism and has been shown to fight cancer. Grass Fed beef can be more expensive than conventional beef too, so you might have to pay up!
Conventional grain fed beef are deprived of their natural surroundings and instead are fed an unnatural diet of grains including corn, soybeans, sorghum, and other byproducts in order to fatten them up. Grass-fed cows, on the other hand, graze freely and eat a natural diet of grasses and plants outside where they belong! Not only is Grass Fed beef healthier for you because it’s much lower in fat than conventional beef, but this food allows cattle to live their lives outside grazing on pastureland like they would be doing if we didn’t farm them. Grass fed beef also has many environmental benefits. It supports local farms and ranches—and rural communities—by minimizing transportation costs and reducing environmental impacts. Grass fed cows also don’t produce as much methane gas (a greenhouse gas), which is good for the environment!
Does grass-fed beef taste different?
High Quality Grass fed beef has a distinctive flavor profile when compared to conventional beef, although Grass Fed beef is still juicy and delicious! If you’re used to eating conventionally raised cattle, Grass Fed beef may take some getting used to. Grass fed beef produces a leaner product that may suit a palate more inclined for less fat.
What to look for when buying grass fed beef?
Grass fed beef is available at many supermarkets and health food stores nationwide. Grass Fed beef can be more expensive than conventional beef, so it is important to do your research before making a purchase so you know where the meat is coming from. Grass Fed cows are raised on pastureland or rangeland instead of in feedlots, so Grass fed beef should be clearly stated that is what it is, which is an assurance that you’re getting high quality Grass Fed beef.
Can you loose weight eating grass fed beef?
You can easily lose weight by eating Grass fed beef. Grass fed beef is leaner than grain finished beef, and therefore has fewer calories per serving size. Grass Fed Beef is often recommended to athletes and other people who are trying to loose weight. Grass fed Beef also contains less saturated fat than conventional beef.
What makes grass fed beef healthier?
The health benefits of Grass Fed Beef include: -Increased Vitamin C and E concentrations (more antioxidants) -Higher in healthy omega 3 fatty acids -Decreased risk for chronic inflammation -Better Good Cholesterol profiles (increases HDL cholesterol)
In Conclusion
So there you go! There’s a whole lot of interesting information about grass fed beef and why it can be different than grain fed cattle. The most important thing to know about grass fed beef is that it studies show it may contain higher levels of omega 3s . Omega 3’s are essential for heart health and your over all cardiovascular system. You may be able to save some money by buying in bulk and freezing your meat.